Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday Things I Love renamed for Wednesday Wishlist!

Lately it has been hard to get to the computer on Tuesdays for the aforementioned post, this is because it is one of the two days off my Hubs is home.
Not wanting to do the typical Friday Favorites type post, my brain has been trying to figure out a different to post. Having only scheduled one post for a "future day", I prefer to have the idea of WHAT items I'd like to show and post them THAT day.
The fact that my son is teething like a dinosaur is making daily consistency difficult. He does not want to nap lately, only if the same boring movie is on and he has ran himself around the house in to exhaustion.

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So without further ado, here is the new Wednesday Wishlist!!!
(These are things I'd love to have, but do not have unlimited funds to buy this stuff!!)
The color of this bag is so pretty, and a nice neutral- not too bright or too bland.
These shoes are super comfy! I have them in gray but would love these! And for every pair you buy, SKECHERS will give a new pair of shoes to a child in need.
My son LOVES tags- on toys, clothes, blankets; everything!! Dino fabric and ribbon tags?! YES!
I have a video of my son playing with the tag on a toy.....for at least 5 minutes. The video, only being a minute long, is hysterical. He is GIGGLING profusely for a minute! It brings such joy to my heart!
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My sister is due with her son soon. She went to the hospital a few days ago, since her BP was high. Depending on what her doctor says tomorrow, he may be here sooner rather than later. She used to have high BP and was on medication for it. Now it seems to have regulated but the day it was high, she had an issue with her preregistration at the hopsital where she will deliver. So she thinks due to human stupidity (they made her wait for 3 hours just to drop off a pee sample- TMI, I know. But c'mon, she is 38wks pregnant!)
Next Wednesday (Halloween) is our 4th wedding anniversary!! We were not able to get costumes this year, but I have enough halloween socks and such to pull together something for myself. >.<
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Do you have any special Halloween traditions?? Will you be dressing up??

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sick baby= no productivity

There is a naaaaaaaasty stomach bug going around our area. One which my Hubs and The Dude have both caught. We took The Dude to the pediatrician twice in two days, which when we went afterhours Sunday The Dude felt like a champ giggling since he did not receive any shots.
With him being sick, it has been hard to get to the laptop. Hopefully regular posts will start back tomorrow, if not Monday at the latest.
I have a feeling I am the stomach bugs next victim, since my friend & her son just recovered from it. To which she warned- it is very contagious so Lyson EVERYTHING!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Quirky me!

I just had to share this with the interwebs!
Things that annoy me:
*Tiny font on blogs- I am already going blind and the super tiny font isn't helping.
*People who don't use their blinker!!! ARGH!!!
*When I forget to refill the baby wipe box & the Dude has a SCARY diaper (whoops!)
Things I LOVE!
*My family! Our son has started to pull up for hugs!
*Chocolate- I have a SEVERE pull towards the yummy stuff!
*The Corgis- So silly and fuzzy!
*Perfectly buttered and salted popcorn.
Just a few things that have been irking me/making me smile lately!
THAT IS ALL!! Have a Great Wednesday! (Every time I see the word wednesday- I say in my head "Wed-Ness-day")

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello, October!!!!!

October is finally here! It has to be one of my favorite months!! Halloween- seeing children trick-or-treating, our Wedding Anniversary is also on Halloween! Plus all the yummy pumpkin flavored treats abound!
We usually decorate shortly after Labor Day but September was a weird month. The decorating will commence tomorrow!! Instead of carving a pumpking (because of all the fateful videos we have seen on AFV of kids eating the pumpkin innards & puking everywhere) we will be painting a pumpkin!! Maybe putting our hand prints on it to make them look like Turkeys!
General with September, since my Hubs bday is at the beginning portion of the month- it is a very exciting time of year! Hello Gateway month! Hubs Bday, First Day of Fall, HALLOWEEN!, Thanksgiving and then the winter holidays! It is my absolute favorite!!!
With living in Lovely South Florida (wah-wah) we do not really experience "cold" fall weather. Maybe 3 collective weeks of chilly sweater-worthy weather. (BOOO!!!!)
With my Hubs receiving his promotion, we keep toying with ideas of where we eventually want to sprout our own roots- Stay in Fla? Move to Washington? Who knows! A few days ago, we discussed a dream of Hay Rides, and Corn Mazes, Pumpkin Patches and fall colored leaves. Stirring that into the possibility, we couldn't really think where that would plant us. For a VERY short time,Orlando was home to me. We have tossed around the idea of moving to Orlando- I've got 3 GREAT friends up there, Hubs could easily transfer (since they do not have any Advance Auto Parts in Washington State.)
At this point in life we still need to set aside money TO move, potentially buy a home to raise Our Dude. My father says if we come to Georgia, he would sign a mortgage with us, thus helping us lock in a lower financing rate.
Aah! Sometimes being, granted a modified version, an adult.....SUCKS. Choices that will now affect our son more directly. It is kind of hefty to shoulder!!
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What sort of decisions do YOU have currently on the backburner or in the future??