I read quite a few wonderful blogs and rarely comment on them. I feel as if my unsolicited comment will just be lost in the sea of others hoping for a response. Whereas my comment would be to say what about the blog/post I appreciated/liked/could relate to; others post to be recognized by the Blogger. And who's to say they would care to read my comment anyway?
If I felt stronger in the blogging craft & could find something I 1000% want to put out there and share with the world, I would attend Blog conferences and seminars. When I did nails, I used to go to "shows" with all the new techniques and products. I was confident in my craft because I had taken all the required courses and had the state certifications. With writing, unless you've gotten a degree, have a strong writing background, or endless amounts of time on your hands (Which with a 13 month old, makes difficut) it can appear difficult to produce quality posts. Maybe if I had a nifty planner to have a prix fixed guide of what types of posts I'd like to publish. Having the "Things I Love Tuesday" post helps a lot. One day I will truly sit down and make a "plan" outlining what post sorts to do during any given week.
I see the "traffic" on my blog, which there isn't a ton, but it makes me wonder how many people actually read the posts while feeling the same as not wanting to leave an "unsolicited comment". If you do read this and aren't my one wonderful follower- please leave a comment with a link to your own blog! I love new blogs and to read other peoples perspectives on life, the world, their hobbies and everything in between!
I wish there were a local blogger conference. My Hubs and I were discussing it last night & he thinks I have interesting things to say (Bless his heart, I LOVE that MAN!) and thinks others would want to read them. Some bloggers are able to make decent coin on sponsorship. Seeing as I'm a SAHM, the fund to pay someone for a sponsor spot are not really in the budget. Plus, the thought of having a sponsor tab with my dorky face makes me nervous. What would others think of my blog? Having originally started it for a place to express the thoughts I would not discuss with family/friends and to see how it has shaped up now would make me feel like a little girl playing in her mothers clothing and make up.
So I pose this- what sorts of things would you like to see? I do not leave the house and to get gussied up to chase my toddler around are not within my realm of realistic. If we have an event to go to, I like to post my outfit. I collect lunch boxes and Mr.Potato Heads, I have a decent amount of Harry Potter collectibles also.
What are some of your favorite things to see on other blogs??
Can I leave a comment anyway? I don't often get a chance to come by- something to do with the 13 month old that suddenly became a 2 1/2 year old who doesn't take naps, haha- but! I strongly encourage you to leave comments, even when you think it will get you lost in the sea of other comments! When I look for new blogs to read, I often click through the comment-leavers that have left notes on other blogs. I'm sure I'm not the only one that does! I like to see pictures and simple posts about real life. I don't usually like to read looooooong posts... just a paragraph or two. Outfit posts aren't necessary. Just be real- even when it involves nothing but your overwhelming fatigue and the endless dirty diapers!
ReplyDeleteOh the dirty diapers! Ha ha ha!! And now that he figured out how to run **face palm**! I don't know what I'll do in a year! Glad you can "feel my pain".
ReplyDeleteYeah, the only outfit posts I do are for special events/if I get an outfit too good not to share!!
I hope you and Buckaroo are well!!!
Hi! I just discovered you because of your comment on my blog. (See, it pays off to leave comments!!) Don't feel shy about it. Seriously, for any blogger (I'd like to think even for the well-established ones) it's exciting to get comments, even if there are plenty of them, I read every single one. And, when I have the time, I make sure I return the favour because I remember when I started out, I was too shy to comment too.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, blog about what's interesting to you. I'm sure your interests are enough to attract people. I plan my posts, to a certain degree. I find that keeps me from stressing out about blogging. I want it to always be a fun activity rather than a chore and if I'm organized about it, it's always fun!
Well, there's my two-cents. As I'm new to your blog, I don't know if you've done this already, but a post about your Mr. Potato Head collection would be super fun to see. (Be sure to tell the backstory. I would love to know what started that collection!!)
Ooh! Yay! New comment!! We have a few of the Mr.Potato Heads still in storage boxes but I will try next week to put a post with photos of them all! (I think the total is....6-8 somewhere) And of course the story that goes with each!