Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tropical Storm Isaac

Well, the news kept forcasting that this tropical storm was going to affect the west coast of Florida. What the news didn't predict was that a small "cell" would break away from the storm and go along the east coast.....which ended up downing a single (sad) tree and it fell on a main power line at the entrance of our dead end street.
Around 3:00am Monday morning, I awaken to NO fan, a/c, no lullaby playing to keep The Dude asleep. Immediately, my inner voice says "Oh crap." Right afterwards, the "oh crap" is vocalized. Mind you, my sleep schedule is soooo off the wall lately; falling asleep at 1:00am, waking up between 7:30-8:00am, and falling back to sleep until 9:30am. On this WONDERFUL Monday, I fell asleep at 1:00am, awoke at 3:00am, did not fall back to sleep until 6:15am, and awoke for the day (with no coffee to look forward to!) at 9:00am. Needless to say it was a ROUGH day.
Around 11:00am, the Fire Dept. sent a truck to tape off the entrance with the stupid yellow police tape "Do Not Cross" kaka. And they had a small pick up truck from the Fire Dept. "guarding" the entrance/exit so no one would leave. In a display of "overkill" they even taped off the entrance/exit in to the WHOLE neighborhood. (In my neighborhood, you turn right from the main road, then come to a stop sign- my street is to the left & a dead end, to the right is another portion of the neighborhood which has 4 streets connected to it, with 2 alternate entrance/exits). So at this point between communicating with my Hubs, I charge my phone in the car to 40%. It was breezy since the rain bands kept coming through.
Being an adult, we know how to acclimate to heat better than my 14 month old son. He was soo sweaty and just grumpy and uncomfortable. He fell asleep in his pack n' play in front of the opened living room window, with hardly any breeze since the rain had subsided for the moment, to wake up 25 minutes later drenched in sweat. My mother suggested I charge my cell phone in her car (Since she had a full tank of gas, and I was at 1/3) and bring The Dude so he can enjoy some a/c. This was around 2:30pm. Almost 12 hours after losing power
Around 3:00pm, the Fire Dept says anyone who "snuck out" would NOT be allowed back on to the street until power is restored/the tree is cleared. UM, really??! My HUSBAND won't be allowed back in? Or my elderly neighbors, one of whom is going through chemo?? At this point I am LIVID!!
Around 3:15pm I contacted our local news station, with a photo of the downed tree along with explaining that they were not letting us leave our street. Also explaining their cockamamie plan to have the street patrons that "escaped" to park at an abandoned buildings parking lot at the front of the street & they can walk back to their homes. Never mind that these officials haven't mentioned if the cars would be protected from being towed!!
At 5:15 the sound of a chain saw fills the air, and a service truck can be seen at the entrance of the street! **Happy Dance!** The Dude and I take a stroller walk down to see the progress! In the skies, there is a cherry picker on the horizon! After 20 minutes the same Fire Truck that was babysitting the entrance is driving down the street....anticipation crawling, I step outside to see if we are released from our temporary prison. As soon as the door clicks shut, my mother hollers "POWERS ON!" Cheers are heard throughout the neighborhood!!
Aaaaaaannnnnnd that was my Monday. Considering we live by the major International Airport here, the fact that it takes soooooo long normally for the power to come back on (During Katrina, we were out of power for THREE WEEKS!!!) less than 24 hours was a RECORD since it was one sad tree that fell. It wasn't a large tree, just an unfortunate placement to where it fell.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Asking for help

I've always had a hard time asking for help. Not sure if it is a pride issue, or a "stubborn to a fault, I can do it myself" mentality. My hubs would say the second. Pot meet kettle.
Recently this "not asking" thing was squashed! Hurray! I truly am stubborn, which we are seeing this characteristic in our Dude. In the early evening, or like Dr. Sheldon Cooper says "preevening", we were playing in our front yard, where he kept wanting to walk in to the road (Um, not gonna happen lil dude! Sorry!) and every time my husband would take his hand to lead him back on to the lawn, he would shriek and fuss like no other! Oh, this is a glimpse of things to come. **Hides now**
Teachers in school advise that if we do not know something or need assistance- ASK. Why is this so hard for adults to implement in to their lives?? We all must be pigheaded to a certain extent.
- - - - -
A few days ago I was having a bizarre day where it felt my skin would explode and my insides would ooze out in a gelationous mess. Truly thought I was going to burst in a violent, messy, and extreme sort of way. Frustration was taking over and my thoughts were rambling together and my body was not cooperating in keeping my movements from looking like I was a robot and my "tin-man joints needed oiling". Truly frustrating.
Our son has stopped napping lately so my brain has become mush and marshmallow fluff in my skull. AND! Aha, my body has forsaken the desire to FALL ASLEEP until 1:30am! Argh! It must be a woman thing since my hubs can fall asleep within MINUTES of making contact with his pillow. My brain however is on HYPERDRIVE when I lie down. Worry, mental list of things not accomplished that day & what will need to be done the next day, what bills need to be paid, praying for my family and loved ones, analyzing life in general: Where is the dang "OFF" button for my brain??! 
- - - - -
Do you have a problem asking for help? Do you have any tips for shutting your brain up at night??

Friday, August 17, 2012


After a few weeks of waiting for "T"s to be crossed and "I"s to be dotted, here is the BIG News! (And NO!, I am not pregnant again!)

Keep scrolling, for dramatic affect!

Mentioning on July 27th that BIG things were on the horizon for us came to official fruition husband was promoted to STORE MANAGER!
AKA- Mr.Boss Man, El Hefe, Capt. Awesome! Well, he was always Capt. Awesome.

This is HUGE news since he will be making almost double his previous earnings!  I really do not have enough words to express how PROUD I am of him! He told me yesterday and I cried since my mother and I were JUST discussing it about 20 minutes beforehand! He is truly such an asset employee within his company. He is 120% gives-his-all hard worker, he does not "dole" out tasks that he does not want to do- he has done the icky, difficult, strenuous tasks; he is fair when scheduling his team; and he really wants to help each employee in any way he can.

That is the big news on this coast (East Coast, SE Florida)!

Do you have any exciting news??

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Photos from my first few days with my Canon

For my birthday/Mother's Day/Just Because- my Hubs got us a Canon EOS Rebel T3. I love this camera. My old (sad) point and shoot would NOT take photos in low light. So now that our, excuse me, BADASS Canon will!

The first photo taken. Granted its not a super compositional photo, but look at my subject!!!

Cute lil house! And my filthy car!

Snozzola licking Libby!

The ever attentive Dyddy!

My little family! Libby is outta there! She hates having her photo taken!

I have a few more photos I want to add, but my computer is being wonky!

What are some things you like to photograph??

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obsessing and letting go

A few years days ago, my obsessive behavior came to a head. For as far back my recollection goes, there seems to always been SOMETHING I was obsessing over- shoes, a scratch on my car that was not there the week before, wanting to cut my hair, an article of clothing I did not purchase even though it was on clearance, that now 5 years later seems to haunt me still. Yes, haunts.

After having my Dude, I managed to lose a decent amount of weight (I was down 36 lbs after his birth) in two months! The thinnest I had been since high school! When my supply dropped, my doctor told me I wasn't eating enough calories to maintain my supply. I chose to eat the good bad stuff! In 14 months since the Dudes big debut, I've gained back 25 lbs. Which brings me back to obsessing. How my body looked before. How clothes fit. This gorgeous dress my mother bought me for Mother's Day. That FIT, when tried on 3 months before. In that time period I managed to put on about 8-11 lbs. (This was just after I stopped breastfeeding & the 30th birthday disaster and I was sad/annoyed/depressed) My Hubs tries to zip up the dress (think a 50's style empire waist white dress with beautiful pink floral print with gorgeous green leaves and cute cap sleeves) and where the skirt portion is sewn onto the bodice, is where the zipper gets stuck. He FINALLY gets the zipper over that evil speed bump in the fabric. The dress is soo tight on my bust that it is pancaking my breasts. Naturally, my reaction is to break down sobbing, demanding he unzip it so it can be returned and never seen in my home again. This same dress was on CLEARANCE a few days ago at one of my favorite stores. For 1/3 the price. Having weighed if it would be worth buying said offensive dress and hoping to lose weight (once my knee stops hating me, I will be continuing my exercise!) which I had planned to do before my sisters baby shower and so the heat here will not be as bad on a slimmer body (MAN, the heavier you are, it seems the heat TRIPLES in disgustingness) which will also make chasing my now-running Dude around easier. Having decided that unnecessary pressure would drive me batty, more so than normal, it was put back on the rack.

This is an item first seen in FEBRUARY. We are in August and yet the damned thing still HAUNTS me. Maybe taunt is the more fitting word. But this is not the first obsession over an item like this! Ohhhh no!! There have been a pair of heels, which as a SAHM would be ridiculous to spend the money on them just to say they are there when needed (really, when would that be??) if necessary. Not that they were expensive- $39.95, not $395- I'm not Carrie from SATC. Even things as simple as someone hitting my car at my old job. Came out after a hard day to see a pretty sizable dent in my drivers side back tire wheel well. Tears were shed. Curse words were spewed quite like a fountain. For about 10 minutes. The dent is still there, 5 years later. SIGH.

I've often discussed with my mom why I exhibit this behavior. She was not able to pin point why. Neither have I.

Back when my Hubs was not the only one working, we had a silly mantra of, "If you see something you NEED, have the money, and all the bills are paid at the time- get it. You may never see it again." (I used to make pretty good money, in addition to Hubs!) Now we are less wasteful with money. Thus letting go of silly ideas of "Spend, Spend, Spend". It is more an ideal of "save, then buy" if it is something that has been a top item for a while (and doesn't cost $400 or something exorbitant!). From a post a week or so ago, still awaiting on officiality for a Good News post! But steps are in place for us to be better finiancially.

What is a personality quirk of yours??

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesdays Things I Love! - camera bag edition!

Hello lovelies!

After perusing my Amazon wishlist, I notice a pattern of camera bags. Hello, I am a purse/bag addict!

OK, these are a few I would LOVE to get my hands on!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Epiphanie London Burnt Orange -$225

The fact that this can convert in to a backpack makes me Happy Camper!

This color is beautiful! I love that it looks like an adventurer bag!

Having the single lens for my T3, this is perfect for short outings, and if you've only got the one body & lens.

The color is so creamy! Makes me count down the days until Fall and Winter!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wish I had the drive to take more photos. I am trying to take more through out the day. Especially of our dogs!  We have the silliest Corgis on the planet! Trying to set a "goal" of taking 10 quality photos a day & increase each week.

What is one thing you'd like to do more of?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Blogs and "stalking"

I read quite a few wonderful blogs and rarely comment on them. I feel as if my unsolicited comment will just be lost in the sea of others hoping for a response. Whereas my comment would be to say what about the blog/post I appreciated/liked/could relate to; others post to be recognized by the Blogger. And who's to say they would care to read my comment anyway?

If I felt stronger in the blogging craft & could find something I 1000% want to put out there and share with the world, I would attend Blog conferences and seminars. When I did nails, I used to go to "shows" with all the new techniques and products. I was confident in my craft because I had taken all the required courses and had the state certifications. With writing, unless you've gotten a degree, have a strong writing background, or endless amounts of time on your hands (Which with a 13 month old, makes difficut) it can appear difficult to produce quality posts. Maybe if I had a nifty planner to have a prix fixed guide of what types of posts I'd like to publish. Having the "Things I Love Tuesday" post helps a lot. One day I will truly sit down and make a "plan" outlining what post sorts to do during any given week.

I see the "traffic" on my blog, which there isn't a ton, but it makes me wonder how many people actually read the posts while feeling the same as not wanting to leave an "unsolicited comment". If you do read this and aren't my one wonderful follower- please leave a comment with a link to your own blog! I love new blogs and to read other peoples perspectives on life, the world, their hobbies and everything in between!

I wish there were a local blogger conference. My Hubs and I were discussing it last night & he thinks I have interesting things to say (Bless his heart, I LOVE that MAN!) and thinks others would want to read them. Some bloggers are able to make decent coin on sponsorship. Seeing as I'm a SAHM, the fund to pay someone for a sponsor spot are not really in the budget. Plus, the thought of having a sponsor tab with my dorky face makes me nervous. What would others think of my blog? Having originally started it for a place to express the thoughts I would not discuss with family/friends and to see how it has shaped up now would make me feel like a little girl playing in her mothers clothing and make up.

So I pose this- what sorts of things would you like to see? I do not leave the house and to get gussied up to chase my toddler around are not within my realm of realistic. If we have an event to go to, I like to post my outfit. I collect lunch boxes and Mr.Potato Heads, I have a decent amount of Harry Potter collectibles also.

What are some of your favorite things to see on other blogs??