Today is quite possibly a big day for my family. (My Hubs, The Dude and myself) ^.^
I won't go too much in to details but recognitions for a great job well done are being well, recognized!
Had a sort of break down yesterday. I suffered with depression for a few years and was prescribed 2-3 different medications to treat it. Being laid off, basically having my "identity" taken from me was a hard pill to swallow. Even now I question what the job horizon will hold once the Dude starts daycare/preschool. My Hubs is wonderful & says any employer would be lucky to have me, that I'd be an asset. :D Man, I love him!
I realize I tend to ramble on here, which HA HA! it is my blog! However, a lot of the time I get spooked in to writing/posting what I want to say. Keeping with the posts of Things I Love, also adding some real life posts as well since, ya know, I am a REAL LIVE PERSON with joys, grumps, and everything in between!
I FINALLY uploaded all 2,400 photos from my memory card on to Photobucket!
**does goofy happy dance**
Hopefully I can go in & save just the photos I wish to use for each post.
To go a few months back, to my 30th birthday in February....we had plans to go to Orlando where my friend was getting married the day after my birthday. We were unable to rent a car, so our trip was cancelled (Ouch, out of $400). BUT! we decided to go to a "fun" restaurant for my day to celebrate (bad idea!)
This photo is from Rainforest Cafe in Feb 2012.
We requested a table by a fish tank since the Dude LOVES fish tanks!
Here he is before the flood gates opened.
I won't go too in to detail, but for those of you who haven't had a dining experience @ Rainforest Cafe; they have a lightning storm, simulated rain and animatronic animals- gorillas, elephants, hippos, and other jungle animals that all go bonkers when the storm hits. He FREAKED out. He let us finish our meal before so that was extremely nice. For him to be so frightened made me feel terrible for choosing that restaurant. He is OK everywhere else- Chili's, Cheesecake Factory, you name it. I think all of the sounds spooked him.
Lesson learned- Do NOT take an 8 month old to an interactive restaurant!
Hopefully in the next few days I will have a great announcement!
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