Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Things I Love Tuesday- Harry Potter edition!!!

This post will be dedicated to Harry Potter! Today is JK Rowling's birthday, and the wonderful Harry Potter as well!!

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Us in line to go into Island of Adventures!!! We got there around 5:45, due to car troubles so by the time we parked & I applied sunblock, we go up to the ticket window around 6:45-7.

Yeah, the sign says GRAND OPENING Friday June 18, 2010!!!

EEP!!! Sooooo exciting!!!!!! We waited in line, snaking around Islands of Adventure for 5 HOURS before entering in to The Wizarding World! For this to be a tangible thing, and something that has been a part of my life for 11 years....I cried. (Maybe b/c lack of sleep or wearing a cloak when the heat index was outta control!) Truly one of the greatest days of my life!

Yeah, people were jealous that I, a 28 year old, was picked over your 11 year old daughter who is dressed like a HOOCHIE and I'm in COSTUME, DANGIT!!!

The House Points! Sooo amazing the details they put in to setting up the WWoHP. Even thinking back on it I get teary-eyed.


Lemonade, FROZEN CRACK.....ahem I mean ButterBeer and Pumpkin Juice @ The Three Broomsticks!!!

Ah, I am still awaiting my letter from Hogwarts.

Harry Potter is one of my favorite things- books, movies, collectibles. This is my ULTIMATE Things I Love edition, that isn't family oriented!

What is your all time favorite thing??

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hope for great things to come!

Today is quite possibly a big day for my family. (My Hubs, The Dude and myself) ^.^

I won't go too much in to details but recognitions for a great job well done are being well, recognized!

Had a sort of break down yesterday. I suffered with depression for a few years and was prescribed 2-3 different medications to treat it. Being laid off, basically having my "identity" taken from me was a hard pill to swallow. Even now I question what the job horizon will hold once the Dude starts daycare/preschool. My Hubs is wonderful & says any employer would be lucky to have me, that I'd be an asset. :D Man, I love him!

I realize I tend to ramble on here, which HA HA! it is my blog! However, a lot of the time I get spooked in to writing/posting what I want to say. Keeping with the posts of Things I Love, also adding some real life posts as well since, ya know, I am a REAL LIVE PERSON with joys, grumps, and everything in between!

I FINALLY uploaded all 2,400 photos from my memory card on to Photobucket!
**does goofy happy dance**
Hopefully I can go in & save just the photos I wish to use for each post.

To go a few months back, to my 30th birthday in February....we had plans to go to Orlando where my friend was getting married the day after my birthday. We were unable to rent a car, so our trip was cancelled (Ouch, out of $400). BUT! we decided to go to a "fun" restaurant for my day to celebrate (bad idea!)

This photo is from Rainforest Cafe in Feb 2012.

We requested a table by a fish tank since the Dude LOVES fish tanks!
Here he is before the flood gates opened.

I won't go too in to detail, but for those of you who haven't had a dining experience @ Rainforest Cafe; they have a lightning storm, simulated rain and animatronic animals- gorillas, elephants, hippos, and other jungle animals that all go bonkers when the storm hits. He FREAKED out. He let us finish our meal before so that was extremely nice. For him to be so frightened made me feel terrible for choosing that restaurant. He is OK everywhere else- Chili's, Cheesecake Factory, you name it. I think all of the sounds spooked him.

Lesson learned- Do NOT take an 8 month old to an interactive restaurant!

Hopefully in the next few days I will have a great announcement!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Mayhem

Today is Monday, and from a SAHM perspective....it doesn't really matter. And since my Hubs works retail, the "Monday" doesn't mark the new week.

I've been thinking a lot lately about friendships. I've met a handful of wonderful people through the Corgi Networks, some of whom are nicer/more interested in my well being and my life happenings than my "friends".

One of my longest friends had their birthday yesterday. It's been almost two years since I've seen her. She hasn't met The Dude. During an important time in my life, she wasn't there. When I was sicker than I thought possible there weren't any words of care or concern. I suffered with hyperemesis my whole pregnancy. It subsided a great deal once I got to the 4 month mark, but didn't entirely let up. I lost 36lbs my first trimester. For the remaining time of my pregnancy, I still had "morning sickness" throughout the day for about an hour and a half in the morning and before bed with some sickness thrown into my day just to keep me on my toes.

It seems the people we count so closely as "friends" that once they hear something "scary or that they cannot process/handle" that they run/cut you out of their lives. I went through an incredibly difficult time in August 2010. Counseling was sought and things were resolved. If I got through it/past it then I don't understand how my "friends" couldn't.

Lately, I've become slightly introverted since having the Dude. One of my closest friends/person I enjoy hanging out with as of late I met at her place of work (Target). She seems more interested in my life and the life of my Hubs and The Dude than these people who are supposed to be there.

Life has taught me that certain people will always be a part of your life, so long as each person is committed to maintaining a friendship. Others just sort of "bow out" and you both go your separate ways while still maintaining a "FaceBook" friendship to, at each others convenience, check in on each others lives, maybe "like" a status update or to post a silly comment on a photo. And yet still we meet people who we immediately click with and it feels like they've been there the entire time. I've been fortunate enough to have a handful of friends who understand that life happens; we get busy, work, family, LIFE happens. They make me feel privileged to share their friendship. Coming to the conclusion that these other friends are just in different places. Maybe we will cross paths again down the road, but it is time that I start focusing on those who WANT to maintain vs. those who do out of "obligation".

This is not the NORM post, I just have some things I needed to get off my chest.

Every day I am thankful for My Husband, My Son, My Mother, Father and Sister, and my In Laws. As well as the few people I feel lucky enough to count as my friend!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Things I love Tuesday----on SATURDAY!

Well, it is Tuesday!

I go for my next dentist appt on July 31st. (-_____-) But in the mean time, here are some things I love!!
(I have decided after each appt, to help quell my nervous stomach I will BAKE a yummy treat when I get home, making it more about the baking vs. the nauseating appointment!)

I cannot wait to take the dude to visit my dad in Georgia. Preferrably when it gets cold! We want to spend a Christmas with my dad in a few years!
The morning we left it snowed a little, and was 18*!

My Dads house :-D

Mt. Yonah

Our Wedding Day!

I loved our Wedding Cake! It was canoli cake! And our topper was perfect since we Honeymooned to Disney World!

Our wonderful reception area! We used the mini "trick or treat" buckets as the place card holders! >.< I wish I would have taken a closer photo of the place cards: they were all Halloween themed with pumpkins, skulls, and bats!

I know this is my post that was going to go up Tuesday the 17th., I've just had a lot on my plate lately.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No posts= panic on my end

For the last few days, I haven't had the desire to post. Tomorrow I am going to the dentist. >EEK!< The thought of going makes me sick to my stomach. I have an extremely high pain tolerance, but the dentist can render me a blubbering, quivering mess.

I need to go for a referral to see my specialist (Thank you, Sleep Dentistry) and they will do a full work over- cleaning, xrays, and exam. My gut-tightening sickness comes with the thought of the exam. The poking, that stupid hook-looking tool. **shudders**

I have found a WONDERFUL specialist who does the sleep dentistry. He helped me 5 years ago, and for whatever extensive problems that need to be taken care of ,I will be seeing him.

Trying to get everything in order to be as healthy as possible for my son!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pictage #2

So here are some more things "If we win the lotto":

Whaaa??! OG Droid!!

Always wanted bunk beds. My sister and I are two years apart (me being younger) and my parents did not think the bunk beds would be a good idea. THIS is my idea of cool bunk beds!!

The bunk beds would be kind of cool, since my son and my nephew will be about 17 months apart. So should he spend the night here, it would be nifty to have bunk beds. :D

Our computer "haz a sad"....there is very little gigabytes available (maybe 1 WHOLE gb??) to save photos. I will probably be limiting the photo postings, unless its a dump right off my memory card.