This post will be dedicated to Harry Potter! Today is JK Rowling's birthday, and the wonderful Harry Potter as well!!
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Us in line to go into Island of Adventures!!! We got there around 5:45, due to car troubles so by the time we parked & I applied sunblock, we go up to the ticket window around 6:45-7.
Yeah, the sign says GRAND OPENING Friday June 18, 2010!!!
EEP!!! Sooooo exciting!!!!!! We waited in line, snaking around Islands of Adventure for 5 HOURS before entering in to The Wizarding World! For this to be a tangible thing, and something that has been a part of my life for 11 years....I cried. (Maybe b/c lack of sleep or wearing a cloak when the heat index was outta control!) Truly one of the greatest days of my life!
Yeah, people were jealous that I, a 28 year old, was picked over your 11 year old daughter who is dressed like a HOOCHIE and I'm in COSTUME, DANGIT!!!
The House Points! Sooo amazing the details they put in to setting up the WWoHP. Even thinking back on it I get teary-eyed.
Lemonade, FROZEN CRACK.....ahem I mean ButterBeer and Pumpkin Juice @ The Three Broomsticks!!!
Ah, I am still awaiting my letter from Hogwarts.
Harry Potter is one of my favorite things- books, movies, collectibles. This is my ULTIMATE Things I Love edition, that isn't family oriented!
What is your all time favorite thing??