To my Brother-in-law's highschool graduation!
Please forgive the kaka lighting, as we have our hurricane shutters down. My mom likes to be super prepared and put them down before the start of the season, prior to June 1st, and keeps them down until after the end, after November 30th. The hall has the brightest light in my house. :-/
Anyhoo, this dress!! I love it, its nice and light! From Kohl's a few months ago. This will be paired with this purse/gift to myself for Mother's Day! It holds my smaller camera bag for my Canon Rebel T3, plus my wallet and phone. (This is my makeshift "I Want That JoTotes Bag" bag.) Purse is from Target.
I LOVE these shoes! They are super comfortable and I love how the marigold sets off the pinky floral of the dress. Shoes are also from Kohl's. They also come in a nice chocolate brown. (Seeing the pattern yet??)
I still can't believe my brother-in-law is graduating Highschool! When my hubby and I first started dating, his brother was only 13! And he just went to prom!! Where has the time gone??
And!!! My dude is going to be ONE! How the heck did that happen?? **face palm**
Since I like to end a lot of my posts with a photo of said he is!!
Do you have any fun events coming up?? We have a wedding to go to the 3rd week in June so I shall post that outfit closer to the date!
No fun here. But I super-duper love those shoes! And the birthdays all come too fast.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya on the "no fun" front. We usually don't do anything. Just so happens that the Graduation is June 4th (And hopefully my sister will find out what the sex of their baby is too) and Xavier's birthday is June 15th, the wedding is the 16th. :D