Friday, March 29, 2013

Almost April!!

So, I haven't had time to get on our computer. Plus our home is an older house that gets KAKA reception for wifi..
We generally don't go on many vacations but we went away after my birthday to Orlando for a few days. The Travel Deity had different plans seeing as all 3 of us got sick. Definitely put a damper on our plans. This will give us a greater incentive to return soon! AND! A-HA! The Hubs said we can to NEXT February for our first family trip to Disney! Talk about excitement! The Dude is tall enough to ride quite a bit at Magic Kingdom, but the year to grow will help with his speech development.
Also! We will be traveling soon to see my father in the next month! Sort of a bummer that he hasn't met my son yet, nor my sisters. BUT! She will be on her own to go with her husband to see our father. The weather has been insane in Georgia lately- snow, tornadoes, and rain about the wazoo. My father is currently recovering from the Flu (blech) so he should be back to full health when we venture up! Since my Hubs bought our wonderful camera, it will be nice to take GOOD quality photos whilst visiting. The time before last, my camera crapped out. (BOO!!)
My birthday was wonderful! As mentioned before, this was the birthday that my Jo Totes camera bag was finally obtained! Although, my shoulder pad tore within 3 weeks of using it. The Jo Totes team was wonderful & sent me a new one! My Hubs replaced my iPod classic; my old one died a few months back (The first one crashed & Apple gave me a refurb & that one lasted over 3 years) & the iPod currently being used- the battery would no longer hold a charge. So he got me a 160GB iPod Classic engraved with our two sayings! So sweet!
I wish there was more to report. Our mini rex bunny passed away. He was 11 years old. He'd been sick for quite some time (we actually thought this time last year that he would not make it) however the last 3-4 months especially, signs were showing that he wouldn't be with us much longer. He actually waited until my Hubs went in and loved on him. A few hours later, he was gone. Mr. Woolley- we are glad you are with Sniffles now & are restored to your pristine self. One of our basset hounds may be going to the Rainbow Bridge soon. She is 14+, and has terrible respiratory problems. Tomorrow will tell what the Vet says.
All in all, same old.
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Anything new/exciting going on with you??