As a sign of the crappy times we currently live in, we will be moving in with my mom when our lease is up at the end of April. We are going to try and move earlier, since we cannot get out of our lease earlier, but so we won't have sooo much to move at the end of April. Plus Dyddy is staying with my mom as he keeps getting sick around the exterior of the apartment.
We will be able to catch up/pay off our bills. Figure this way too we can save up to purchase a decent couch, kitchen table, and any items we'll need for the Dude. And we will be starting a savings account for us (incase the dogs need to go to the vet) and one for little mans college fund.
Thats about all for now. *SIGH* I would have never guessed that this is how my life would be, but one day at a time! At least we have somewhere to go. :D