Friday, December 30, 2011

Life is funny.....materialism sucks.

I was reading my friends blog and she hit the nail on the head in questioning how we as a "civilization" are always trying to "one-up" each other. That the best car, most expensive handbag, blingiest jewelry, or amount of money will somehow make us "better" than everyone else.  This type of thinking is BULLSHIT. I myself find it hard not to get sucked in to this way of thinking. It happens though. Not to say that there aren't things that would be lovely to add to my closet, pending a winning lottery ticket. But being realistic about it, nothing NEEDED.
The question comes up within myself as to why these materialistic things are wanted; a lot of time its to fill a "void" of some sort. Not within my relationship with my husband, but maybe in certain areas of life that feel "cheated" in a sense. "Not enough attention as a child? Not feeling adequate in my adolescense? Not getting in to a 4-year college, or having the attention span to go to community college?" Assuming we had the possibility of a "perfect" world- baker/pastry chef/cake decorator would be my dream job.

There are SOO many things I wish for my son. After reading an article that talked about splitting up his future allowance into three categories: SPEND/SAVE/DONATE. He will be in charge of deciding how much percentage he wants to put into each category. This way if we are out shopping and there comes a toy he wants, it will depend on his "SPEND/SAVE" accounts if HE can afford it.  AMAZING!! I wish I could remember the name of the book where this theory/practice was discussed!! It is genius!

After having my son, the new life motto is to try and get as much out of life with my loved ones as possible. Hug your family, send a text to a friend whom you haven't talked to in a while to let them know that you're still there for them. Make plans outdoors! Drink up life!!! You only go around once, so LIVE IT UP!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


As a sign of the crappy times we currently live in, we will be moving in with my mom when our lease is up at the end of April. We are going to try and move earlier, since we cannot get out of our lease earlier, but so we won't have sooo much to move at the end of April. Plus Dyddy is staying with my mom as he keeps getting sick around the exterior of the apartment.

We will be able to catch up/pay off our bills. Figure this way too we can save up to purchase a decent couch, kitchen table, and any items we'll need for the Dude. And we will be starting a savings account for us (incase the dogs need to go to the vet) and one for little mans college fund.

Thats about all for now. *SIGH* I would have never guessed that this is how my life would be, but one day at a time! At least we have somewhere to go. :D

Monday, March 7, 2011

Money is the root of all evil.

TRULY. The OB office is paid, but now we have to come up with $350 by the end of the week (Mar 11) to hold an apartment on the ground floor. We both do not get paid again until the following week. I have no f&%king clue what to do.

I refuse to ask my mom for help, since she has gone above and BEYOND to help us. Especially with Xavier coming.

Been cleaning and making a mental list of anything I could sell or pawn. We really don't have anything of value. I have some jewelry but nothing worth big bucks.

We'll just wait and see what happens. I could see when I get paid next week, if the apartment is still available....see if they will take the $350 at that time.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, new beginnings

Today is January 3rd, 2011 and I am trying to be optimistic about this new year!  I will hopefully start school in August 2011. We hope to move in Dec 2012. Our little one will be here sometime from the end of May to the 2nd week in June. Cannot wait!

We find out the sex Feb 2nd, hopefully!!! I've got to remember to drink 32 oz of water one hour before the ultrasound.

I am happy. :D Even though I do not currently have a job, I am really happy. And that is very important.

Cheers, all!